Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Celil Refik - Kaya At Mannes College Tonight

It is 3:40 am  Tuesday Morning and I am watching that super Funny Stand up comedian Lisa Lampanelli spew her funny digs at the audience and something said to check my messages so I got out my IPhone and lo and behold, I get an e-mail from the great Guitar Duo Michael Newman and Laura Oltman posted at 1:35 am that tonight at THE  MANNES COLLEGE OF MUSIC ( 150 West 85th Street ), the great young phenomenally gifted CELIL REFIK-KAYA will be giving his Master of Music Graduation Recital at 8pm. It is now 5:25 am and I had to jump on this blog and shout to the highest level that you MUST ATTEND GREATNESS!!!!! The concert is free and you will get a chance to witness one of the finest Musicians of our time!!! He is a child prodigy who has grown up to dazzle and amaze all who are smart enough to attend his performances. He has it all - Musicianship,Technique, easy platform manner and sweet disposition! This kid is truly an outstanding young artist who kicks serious Guitar BUTT!!! There are several You Tube videos available so you can see that I know my guitar gems and I love this kid dearly. He has made Michael Newman, his main teacher at Mannes so, so proud! I am super happy to be associated with this great young man as he continues to compete in the Major Classical Guitar Competitions around the world and wins just about every single one he competes in. He is also an excellent example of putting in the necessary work to achieve your objectives! Any one of you who think he is an overnight sensation is dead wrong. This great young man has busted his ass from early childhood. I get really pissed at those young kids who think it is so easy to achieve. There are no magic pills in life! You have to pay the price of  W O R K  to get to the mountain top! Whatever you want to achieve, you have to put the time in. Too many kids look for short cuts and magic potions. They don't want to work.Anyway that is enough from me on that. I am just so tickled to be able to post this shout out to my young and dear friend. Everywhere he goes, he continues to cement the word "GREATNESS" to his name. His interpretations, in particular are an admirable achievement in themselves. It is so nice to not have to contend with yet another "FINGER WIZ MACHINE" who knows nothing about making music sing and touch the soul. CELIL will make you love the majesty of the Classical Guitar as he will envelop you in a world of beautifully defined sounds that only our great instrument can pronounce. We are so lucky to have this young master represent our instrument. I will be coming from a three hour gig right before showing up for this delicious treat and he will show me why I play this instrument.
I hope to see a  good crowd there tonight. Hope you can attend folks because he is really someone out of the ordinary! SEE YA ~!!!

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