Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane Sandy and Me

It is Monday and we are opening our arms to hurricane SANDY at this time of 6:46pm. I mean,with my dear wife being pounded on the TV with weather updates, I decided that I would try to catch up on my ton of posts while we still have electricity here. I am supposed to perform a special Halloween performance concert in two days but that looks like that may not happen thanks to this gift of mother nature. Just think of those situations in which you have concerts scheduled after meticulously planning months in advance and then the last draw is forced on you by something out of your control! Such is life! As I sit here next to the window listening to the whirlwind blowing, it is a little scary but it will happen no matter what so the question is what to do to calm me down so here I am.

My young charge CELIL just competed in the CONCERT ARTISTS COMPETITION a week ago but unfortunately did not make the cut in spite of his superlative performance. There was a kid that gave an incredible performance of theme and variations by LISZT that just KILLED US !!!! It was as though LISZT himself cam down and performed for us!! More on that when I write the report but since it was opened to the public I was there bright and ready at 8:45 am. CELIL would perform around noon.I had to see what he was up against and it was a day of so many excellent performances.

I attended the Upstate New York Classical Guitar Society Fall Festival in Oneonta, New York at the State University and what a treat to have my dear colleague and masterful musician DAVID STAROBIN headline the Festival! What a treat and I had a ball performing in the Members Concert Saturday.I was smart enough to get lodging on campus and must state that my accommodations were top notch and the kids were so gracious in anything I needed! THANK YOU SUNY!!!  More in my report.

My dear buddy and Master quadruple talent ( Virtuoso Guitarist, Composer, Teacher, superb human being ) DAVID LEISNER opened the International Guitar Series sponsored by the New York Classical Guitar Society and gave us his usual  superlative performance and patted our Society President on the back from the stage for bringing the Classical Guitar Society to new Heights over his tenure! I second the motion! JOHN OLSEN has worked hard to gain further respect for our great Instrument here in the BIG APPLE in spite of this economy! I go way back with DAVID LEISNER and will detail that in my review of his great concert.

This past Saturday, I had a chance to attend a gig by one of my great teachers - RICK STONE - Virtuoso Jazz Guitarist in a great small venue in Greenwich Village and will report on that great gig! Check out Rick on  You Tube and you will taste one of the great unsung masters of the Jazz Guitar. You can also check out his website that has a treasure trove of lessons and info on the Great Vibrant New York Jazz Guitar scene!

It is 7:18 and that wind is picking up steam but I will try to get more little tidbits in! My wife just rang the dinner bell so I will get back to ya after dinner!

Donnie Guitar

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