Wednesday, October 26, 2011

And so I beg forgiveness!

Life is having a field day with my spirit as I try to get back to some normal frame of living. I have been giving concerts in the Library System here in New York and doing my daily gigs around the City as part of Music Under New York but I have not been attending any concerts nor writing any reviews. Two woefully neglected interviews/reviews is of Pia Gazarek Offermann and Romero Lubambo.I just wanted those of you who check my blog to keep these great artists in front of your minds as they are top notch greats of our instrument and you should rush to catch their performances. So far Pia is not on youtube but I hope that will be rectified soon. Romero has several posts on youtube so you can jump on the site and swim in his great artistry.Put a search in to find out about Pia Gazarek-Offermann as you will find only positive statements about this great artist. Her visit to us here in New York in April was a total triumph as far as snapping heads back and grabbing positive attention for her poetic artistry.I yet have to give her the backing that she deserves and to her dismay,I have been "missing in action". Here I am up at 5:40 and spilling my guts out to you and I have a 4 hour gig in a couple of hours!I'm trying to climb out of a terrible rut and get back to reporting about the Guitar scene here and there and I hope my friends and colleagues can send some positive thoughts my way.I used to be the most optimistic person around but life has been kicking my butt good over the last couple of years and I must say that the thing that keeps me going is the great love my wife gives me and my love of playing this instrument.

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